Top Questions
How do I apply for borrower privileges? May I join as a non-resident?
Will I get any notice before my library card stops working?
Libby says "we could not verify your card."
Can I print directly from my phone, tablet or laptop?
Where is your employment or careers page?
How do I change my password? Didn't it used to be a PIN?
What apps are available for library products and services?
What are the charges for overdue items?
When are my books due? Is it possible to request a renewal early?
Can I arrange to pick up the information I need?
Can I reserve tickets to Knoxville attractions through the library?
Is there a limit on the time or sessions per day?
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- Learning resources
- Libby
- Library card
- Library work
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Please direct all account questions (such as library card, PIN, renewals) to Circulation.