These are online resources that we find the most helpful.
Meta searches
Knox County cross index search
Several constituent indexes can be searched at once, or select the specific index from the list.
Tennessee records on
Tennessee State Library and Archives has partnered with to provide records without charge to Tennessee residents, but you must sign in to view the certificates. Follow instructions to set up your account.
- Tennessee Death Records 1908–1958
- City Death Records 1872–1923
- Delayed Birth Records 1869–1909
- City Birth Records 1881–1915
- 1891 Enumeration of Male Voters
- North Carolina and Tennessee Early Land Records 1783–1895
- North Carolina and Tennessee Revolutionary War Land Warrants, Wills and Probate Records 1779–2008
- Tennessee Supreme Court Case Index 1809–1950
The McClung Collection has Tennessee death certificates and an index of the death certificates on microfilm for all of Tennessee for the years 1914–1965.
Tennessee death certificates 1914–1966 at FamilySearch
FamilySearch provides free access but you will need to sign in to view the certificate. Follow the directions on the site to set up your account.
Tennessee death records 1908–1933
Tennessee State Library and Archives provides two other access points: 1908–1912 and 1914–1933.
Tennessee death certificate index 1949–2014
Marriage and divorce
Knox County marriage index 1951–present
Tennessee marriage listings 1980–2014
The index lists the county where the marriage was executed. The county where the license was applied for and where the ceremony took place may be the same but this is not assured.
Tennessee marriages at FamilySearch
Tennessee marriage index of Walker County, Georgia
Many Tennesseans went to this north Georgia county across the Tennessee State line from Chattanooga to get married as the Georgia state requirements to be married differed from Tennessee, specifically the age limit was lower and no blood test/waiting period was required. Walker County was also adjacent to Fort Oglethorpe so Tennessee men enlisting and training for military duty in World War II found Walker County a convenient place to be married.
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- Last Updated Mar 14, 2025
- Views 2124
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