
Renewals are automatic whenever possible.

Items (except for Storytime-to-Go kits) may be renewed three times if there are no holds.

Items will be renewed automatically four days before they are due unless they have holds or have reached the three-renewal limit. Items may not be renewed earlier than this.

The new due date will be calculated from the current due date; 21 days will be added for all items except Launchpads and Views which will be 7 days.

Automatic renewals do not include items borrowed through e-media, interlibrary loan, or teacher cards.


If you get email notices, we will send one three days prior to the due date, listing items that did not renew.

Please call (865) 215-8751 with your library card number if you would like to add email notices to your account.

Check your account online to confirm renewals and due dates.

Interlibrary loan renewals

InterLibrary Loan (ILL) items may be eligible for renewal, which you can request in your ILLiad account. Only ILL staff can renew items; contact the department directly at (865) 215-8746 or

  • Last Updated Mar 18, 2024
  • Views 2975

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