
Place a hold to get in line for the next available copy, or to transfer an item for pickup at your nearest location.

Two methods:

Do it yourself

  • Search the library catalog for the item you want. A button to place a hold on the item appears for every eligible item (see details below).
  • If you are not already signed in to your library account, you will be prompted for your card number and password, and you'll then be signed in for any other holds during that session.

Or contact us

  • Have your library card number ready. State confidentiality laws require that a library card number must be presented in order to access patron information by telephone or online.
  • We will do three searches in one telephone or chat transaction.

Pickup (after notification; typically 2+ days)

  • Library-to-go contactless pickup is an option.
  • Someone else can check out for you if they have your card.
Quick pickup: If you don't want to wait on a transfer of something that is on the shelf and you're willing to go where it is, call that location directly. A "hold" is a delayed transaction, whereas a "quick pickup" can be verified with you during the telephone call. Also, a quick pickup request does not require your library card number. Items placed for quick pickup will be reshelved if not borrowed in three days.


  • Holds cannot be placed on items until they are in the collection (catalog or OverDrive).
  • Reference materials cannot be placed on hold, including all items in the McClung Collection.
  • When your hold becomes available at your requested location, we mail or email you a notice.
  • You can place a hold on up to 25 items of any material that can be checked out.
  • We will hold your items for eight days from the date a notice was sent.
  • Last Updated Sep 25, 2023
  • Views 733

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