Three ways to place holds on ebooks and audiobooks: using the catalog, the OverDrive website, or Libby.
- Sign in.
- Search for items you want; use the top category icons or format filters to select ebooks or audiobooks.
- Each OverDrive ebook or audiobook will have a green access button identifying it as an OverDrive item.
- If it says "Place Hold Libby," use it to place your hold.
- If it says "Check Out Libby," the button will immediately check it out to you. If you don't want it yet, you can use Add to list to remember it later.
You can check and change your Libby notifications email address in Libby Options (under Account Settings). Be sure to use an email address that you check daily so that you don't miss a title you've been waiting for.
OverDrive website
Help articles for using the OverDrive website and apps:
If you place or edit your holds on the library's catalog or OverDrive website, you will receive email notifications as configured from that website in addition to any Libby app notifications.
Libby app
How to do it in the Libby app – Libby provides push notifications, but you can also set up email notifications.
Getting emails in addition to Libby notifications:
Borrowers can visit on any device to set up email notifications. Go to Actions, then Settings, then Manage Notifications.
In combination, then, you can have both email and app/device notifications.
- Last Updated Nov 13, 2024
- Views 343
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