When you're viewing the area called "Recommended for you" under Your Account, the suggestions are based on what you have rated.
The last 5 titles that you rated are prioritized because your interests change and grow. Recommendations are also based on how highly you rated titles. You can choose to reserve 4-5 star ratings only for titles that you want to influence the recommendations.
Recommendations are also based on information about the titles themselves including:
- Subjects
- Topics
- Awards won
- Author
- Era
- Genre
- Geographic Data
- MPAA Rating
- Accelerated Reader Interest Level.
"Recommended for you" excludes titles that are in your Reading History or that you have previously rated.
Sometimes the suggestions are hits and sometimes misses, so the "don't recommend" button allows you to fine-tune your suggestions by eliminating titles that are of no interest to you. If you use the "don't recommend" button, that is only going to affect the suggestions that you see, and it won't affect whether other users see the title in their suggested list.
If you have not rated titles, there are other ways to see suggestions:
- Look up a title you like, and view the "More Like This" information.
- When you place a hold, the system will automatically recommend 3 similar titles that are currently available to read right away.
- Access suggestions for titles you have on hold by selecting the "While You Wait" option next to each hold.
- If you have titles checked out or in your reading history that you like, use the "You Might Also Like" option to see similar titles.
- Last Updated Aug 20, 2022
- Views 29
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